Slappin' Bird
Sometimes three, sometimes five best pals and their exquisitely-built equine assistants sometimes get their hands on working audio recording equipment and a stolen WiFi connection in their squatters dungeon.
We will declare Jihad on the Blue Man Group.
Slappin' Bird
Booty Ass
We're joined by Alex Iovino (@elnatural_al) to discuss how Alex (former host of SBP) died when he was hit by Kobe Bryant's helicopter while holding a basket of prairie dog babies, the multiplicity of John Denver (there are many John Denvers), and how Ricky Gervais earned the nickname "Slick Ricky" Gervais in college.
And remember the band “76 Trombones Leading the Big Parade”? And “110 Cornettes Leading Behind”? They make an appearance with our newest musical act, Booty Ass.
Thanks for listening!